Trabanco Lavandera | GIJÓN

Trabanco Lavandera | GIJÓN

Everything started in 1925 with our first cider mill. We opened in Lavandera, a small, countryside town just a few kilometers from Gijon. This is where it all began.

Nowadays, Lavandera is still home to the headquarters of Casa Trabanco cider house and where we work every day. It also serves as a meeting point for the many visitors and friends we welcome through our cider-tourism project.


Telephone: +34 985 138 003

Address: Camino de los Lagares nº 290 - Lavandera 3350 Gijon - Principality of Asturias

GPS coordinates:
Latitude: 43° 28’ 13’’ N, 43.470483 GPS, 4816438 UTM
Length: 5° 38’ 41’’ W, -5.644929 GPS, 286080 UTM

Trabanco Sariego

Trabanco Sariego

The second Trabanco cider mill is right in the middle of the Cider Region. This mill opened in 2010 and measures more than 11,000 square meters, allowing us significantly increase our production capacity and to make sure we can undertake any challenges that may come up in the near future.

At TrabancoSariego we also combine our regular cider mill work with the promotion of cider-tourism. We have developed tours of our mill and have started the TrabancoSariego Events initiative, where we open up our facilities to celebrate family and company events with a special touch. 

Telephone: +34 985 748 423

Address: Antigua Carretera AS-113 - PedrosaSariego - Principality of Asturias

GPS coordinates:
Latitude: 43° 24’ 42’’ N, 43.41180 GPS, 4809661 UTM
Length: 5° 32’ 18’’ W, -5.53823 GPS, 294487 UTM

Diseño: Beirut and Aterton & Programación web:

“TRABANCO DISTRIBUCION Y EXPORTACION SL, en el Marco del Programa de Promoción Internacional de la Agencia SEKUENS (PINT 2024), ha contado con el apoyo del Gobierno del Principado de Asturias a través de la AGENCIA SEKUENS (Agencia de Ciencia, Competitividad Empresarial e Innovación Asturiana) y de la Unión Europea a través de FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional). La finalidad de este apoyo es contribuir al desarrollo internacional de la empresa y de su entorno, así como avanzar en la diversificación de mercados.”


Agencia Sekuens